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Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel, maximus justo. Maecenas mi tortor, pellentesque aliquam.

If you want to know more,

enter your blood test results online now


1What information does your system lab results interpretation report?
Read Lab Results interpretation reports include: • condition of your tests (very low, low, normal, high, very high) • causes of increase and decrease results • Lifestyle & diet recommendations according to lab test results • your potential treatment options • Drug-laboratory test interactions • Critical values warning of lab results
2How Read Lab Results improve my health?
You can experience a healthier life with a personalized interpretation of your lab test results. By definition of each test, knowing your condition and, lifestyle and diet recommendations, and potential treatment options that Read Lab results report to you.
3Can I change the normal range of tests according to the normal range of the laboratory in my region?
Yes. The normal range of tests in our system is based on reliable scientific and evidence-based medical sources, but these numbers can be slightly different in laboratories of different regions. You can easily change these ranges and have your own lab range.
4Can I send my lab test results for interpretation from anywhere in the world?
Yes. Enter your blood test results online and get an interpretation of them wherever you are in the world. Soon even from Mars!
5I can't find my test on your website. How do I tell you to add it?
Our team is continuously adding new test interpretations to our system. If we don’t have a test or a unit, please enter it in the form and we will add it in the next update.
6How you will protect my data?
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only collect the information necessary to interpret your test results, and the browser’s communication with the host is also through the Https protocol, which is asymmetric encrypted by SSL connections. Whenever you want, you can easily delete all your information from our system by clicking the forget me button.
7What is the pricing of service?
Our lab results interpretation fee ranges from $2 to $9. Our strategy is to provide the most evidence-based, useful and personalized medical information at the lowest cost to users.


Read Lab Results

You have received your blood test results. one or more parameters are high or low. Doctor is not available, you are are searching on Google for the definition and reasons for the increase and decrease of each test.

In this situation, we are with you. Enter your blood, urine, stool test results online and get a complete and personalized interpretation of it.

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Brief articles based on valid scientific research

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Alkaline phosphatase is one of the important enzymes of your liver and bone cells.

Evidence-based medicine